Sunday, February 15, 2009

one day i will make it to germany

I was fortunate enough to see an Anselm Kiefer at the PMA last year. Not the one shown here, but one of a field with dirt and straw worked into the surface. It literally took my breath away. Kiefer's art work has definitely influenced me. It is an artistic goal of mine to reach the same level of simplicity versus complexity that he has. I'm not sure exactly why I am so mesmerised by his images, but it is a feeling that I hope some one else will find in my art work some day.

The color palette, chunkiness, and open space of this particular painting is influencing an in-progress body of work that I've started developing in my head and sketch book this past week. There is something about a blue and gray color palette that is very serene and sometimes depressing but also monumental.

Here are the first mylar drawings I've put together for my senior project series. They will eventually be silk screens over top of some mono-printing and collage. Obviously, my dinky mylar drawing can never compare to a massive, beautiful Kiefer, but I can dream, right?

The bird figure (which there are a couple of, they are overlapping right now) will be printed in a transparent white so that the overlapping areas will be more opaque. The mountain-range-esque background will be mostly neutrals, grays, and blues.

I was sketching and jotting down some ideas for images the other day and I realized a lot of them, almost all of them, involved an action. So, I've decided a goal for this senior project is to suggest movement of a specific action. Hopefully my line drawings and layered transparencies will work out on paper they way I see them in my head. Here. In my head.


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