Monday, April 27, 2009

the end is getting nearer and dearer

Finally, I had some time to upload and share some new finished pieces. The original series of fifteen has been cut down to seven due to a sudden and impatient burst of interest in a new series. So, instead of one series of fifteen for my senior thesis, I'll have two smaller collections.
Here are four to go ...

Silent Slopes
monoprint & silkscreen on paper
18" x 24"

Sow Your Lights, Grow Mights
monoprint & silkscreen on paper
18" x 24"

Play Chain Lightning Trail
monoprint & silkscreen on paper
18" x 24"

One Jump Won
monoprint & silkscreen on paper
18" x 24"

This is my last week of classes, and all final critiques are next week, so there will be many, many more to share soon ...

Monday, April 6, 2009

two of infinity

The end of the semester is on its way, only about a month to go. I really need to hammer down! Here is my newest finished piece ...

Airs Gathered to Scatter Scares
monoprint & silkscreen on paper
18" x 24"

Also, since I neglected to show any details from the last post here they are ...

Spring is creeping in slowly, and it is lovely!